If you are interested in getting involved in your community through one of our ministries and making an impact for Christ, we would love to hear from you.
Qualifications: We are concerned about the safety and well-being of the children we minister to, therefore, all Employees, Board and Committee Members, and Volunteers must agree with and commit to the following:
1. Commitment to Christ
I have by faith trusted Jesus Christ & Jesus Christ alone for eternal life (salvation).
I have publically confirmed my faith in Christ by obediently following Him in baptism.
2. Commitment to Local Church
I agree to active membership in a local Bible believing church.
I agree to faithfully support the church with my time, talent and treasure.
3. Commitment to Spiritual Growth
I will spend time daily in God’s Word.
I will spend time daily with God in personal devotion and prayer.
4. Commitment to Ministry
I will actively support Family Ministries of America.
5. Commitment to Kingdom Building
I will live a Christ-like life. I will endeavor to grow in the grace & knowledge of Christ.
I will build relationships with un-churched people for the purpose of leading them to Christ.
I will practice personal evangelism.
I will be an ambassador for Christ and for Family Ministries of America.
Check out our upcoming FMA Ministries Opportunities.
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