Our Mission
Family Ministries of America exists to honor and glorify God by connecting children and adults into a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, providing them with the tools and instruction to encourage spiritual growth and equip them to evangelize others.
What We Stand For
Our number one priority is to evangelize unchurched and lost children in their local communities and neighborhoods with a clear, child-friendly presentation of the good-news gospel of Christ.
We are committed to developing dedicated followers of Jesus Christ. Thus, we will provide the tools and instruction in a fun and creative way to encourage spiritual growth and maturity.
We value the family unit and will strive to have a positive impact on families. We will make every effort to evangelize, disciple, and assimilate the parents or guardians of the children into a local Bible believing church.
The Bible was given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. Therefore it will be the foundation for our beliefs, convictions and practices.
We will be creative, innovated and contemporary in our ministry strategy as we continuously strive for excellence.