Why we do what we do
Family Ministries of America is a Christian organization that is passionate about, loves, and values children and their families. As children were a priority to Jesus, they are also a priority to us. The only joy greater than leading a lost person to the saving knowledge of Christ is leading a child to the saving knowledge of Christ.
Impacting communities around the world
From working with at-risk youth in multi-housing communities through sports ministry to providing financial support and training curriculum to missionaries in remote villages in Cambodia, Family Ministries of America is committed to providing opportunities to partner with us to share the gospel with children, widows, the incarcerated & the homeless.

Impacting your community
How would you like to see families ministered to in your area? What are some programs that would be beneficial? What is the greatest need for those in your surrounding area? Read more about the ministries we provide to see if partnering with us could make an impact in your community.